Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Yarn Along

Joining with Ginny today for Yarn Along.

Someone recently recommended Marianne Williamson's books to me. So I hopped along to the local library and the one on the shelf was this one.

I looked at the title, The Age of Miracles: Embracing the New Midlife, and was about to pass it by as not relevant to me. Then I thought 'whoa there!' And then and there it struck me - midlife is relevant to me; in fact, unless I live to be in my 90s, I am more than likely past midlife. What, when did that happen?! Why do I still feel like I am in my late 20s, early 30s, but in reality I am closer to 50?! It was a very sobering thought.

So I read the book and it is a fantastic read for making us oldies realise we are not washed up yet - some of our best years are ahead of us.

'Midlife is not a crisis; it's a time of rebirth. It's not a time to accept your death; it's a time to accept your life - and to finally, truly live it, as you and you alone know deep in your heart it was meant to be lived.'

The book talks about how this is the time for us to change the world for the better; that people have been living for themselves for too long and that we need to embrace all encompassing love for all in order to make that change. The author emphasises the importance of prayer and meditation.

'Prayer is the conduit of miracles. It changes us, and through us, the entire world. No one who prays and meditates consistently doesn't give a damn what happens.'

Certainly gave me lots to think about!

Knitting wise, I have been knitting away at my Columbine Table Mat from Arne and Carlo's Knit and Crochet Garden. Wow, I love this book!

There is actually more knitting than I anticipated - a list of knitted strips didn't look like much but I am still knitting them!

I thought I would sew some of the earlier pieces together, just to see how the method worked and what they looked like.
Such a clever technique! Knit garter stitch strips of various lengths, sew the short ends together to make a ring, fold the ring in half on the long edges and slot them inside each other. Genius!

As the strips are doubled over, the mat is quite thick and padded. I will definitely be making more of these. Seems it would be good car knitting as it is just simple garter stitch. And the book also has butterflies using this method.

Next project will be a pattern from a vintage Stitchcraft magazine, as I am finally returning to my Adventures in Stitchcraft series. Next issues are from 1937!

I like both the cover jumpers, but you will have to wait and see what else is inside!


  1. The mat looks amazing looking forward to seeing the end result. Both the cover jumpers are a delight, very pretty.

    1. Me too! Cannot wait to finish it. I just have to knit all the red petals now. Hopefully next week. The jumpers are lovely - the models are all so thin though! Not sure if fitted jumpers are really for me!

  2. I remember devouring Marianne Williamson's books years ago. I have not read that one - will have to check if it is at our library. that is a very clever design for a teapot stand.

    1. I have a few more of her books in my reading queue as well. I'm looking forward to them. It is a clever design - Arne and Carlos have wonderfully different patterns.

  3. It's funny isn't it how our mind thinks it is much younger than the body. I am always taken aback when I remember just how 'old' I am.=) That mat looks wonderful....can't wait to see it when you have finished, Jayne.

    1. I know, we don't feel old at all! I like the mat so much, I think I will need to make a butterfly too.

  4. I am actively pretending I have no idea of my age and just behave and act how old I feel, it is quite refreshing as I still have friends that are the same age as me and seem so much older and more 'tired', you are as old as you feel !

    1. I agree! That is why I don't realise just how old I am, as I refuse to act like I am getting old.

  5. To quote a something that I am far too old to have enjoyed reading and watching "Age is just a number, baby!"

    That Knit and Crochet Garden book looks amazing, thanks for such an interesting post Jayne.

    1. We're never too old, are we?! Thanks for visiting. It is a gorgeous book - it is my inspiration to teach myself to crochet this year.

  6. You are knitting up a beautiful table mat.
    And I love your adventure in stitchcraft plans. The patterns are great! Wish I had the guts to wear something like that...

    1. Thankyou! Well, hmmm, not sure I really have the figure for all those fitted knitteds! But I just love the look of them.

  7. The book sounds really good, will have to add to my list of books to read. I too forget what age I am and still think I am in my early 20s not mid 40s though my body sometimes tries to tell me I am older than my brain thinks

    1. I think everyone must, as I haven't come across anyone yet who says they don't feel younger in their mind than their body! A good way to be, I feel - keeps us young!
